Oaks Park High School

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Science impacts all aspects of life in ways in which students may not have even considered before.The Science curriculum aims to ignite student’s curiosity and allows them to gain a better understanding and appreciation of the world around us and how it works. Our curriculum aims to equip students with the knowledge to be able to explain everyday natural occurrences such as ‘Why are plants green?’ or ‘what causes lightning?’ At the same time we encourage students to question the world around them so that their curiosity continues beyond the classroom. Through studying Biology they will gain understanding of living processes that are essential to life in addition to elements of how the body works, health and how the body is able to detect and defend itself against infection. In studying Chemistry they will learn how our planet has evolved over time to allow humans to survive and how we have managed to utilise natural materials for our benefit. Through studying Physics they will gain an understanding of space and the universe. They will gain insight into how electricity and energy behave and are transferred, how we are able to generate energy from both renewable and non renewable sources. They will also learn about the mechanics of how we are able to see and hear. Students will be able to apply their understanding to how Physics plays a role in explaining everyday life such as how roller coasters work, explaining the changes observed when a person skydives and why anything moves and eventually stops.  

KS3 Science

 All topics have a focus on building experimental, investigative and analytical skills. Different science disciplines are taught in an engaging and challenging way. As students move through KS3, we prepare them to be “GCSE Ready” as well as confident and responsible members of the school and wider community.

Year 7

Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

 Working Scientifically

Biology 1: Cells & Organisation

Chemistry 1: Particles & their behaviour

Physics 1: Forces and Space

Skills in Science

 Biology 2: Structure & function of Body Systems

Chemistry 2: Reactions I

Physics 2: Motion & Pressure

Skills in Science

Biology 3: Reproduction

Chemistry 3: Earth I

Physics 3: Energy

Skills in Science

Year 8

Term 1

Term 2

Term 3




Working Scientifically




Working Scientifically





Working Scientifically

KS4 Combined Science

Course Combined Science Trilogy
Examining Board AQA
Specification Link
Why study this subject?

GCSE Science is designed to engage and challenge all students of all abilities and aspirations. The broad program of study encourages learners to be inspired and challenged and aims to allow them to engage with science in their everyday lives. GCSE science aims to provide an insight into and an experience of how science works through practical work.


1. Cell Biology

2. Organization
3. Infection and Response
4. Bioenergetics
5. Homeostasis and Response
6. Inheritance, Variation and Evolution
7. Ecology


1. Atomic structure and the periodic table
2. Bonding, structure and the properties of matter
3. Quantitative Chemistry
4. Chemical Changes
5. Energy Changes
6. The rate and extent of chemical change
7. Organic Chemistry
8. Chemical analysis
9. Chemistry of the atmosphere
10. Using Resources


1. Energy
2. Electricity
3. Particle Model of matter
4. Atomic structure
5. Forces
6. Waves
7. Magnetism and Electromagnets


At the end of the course, students complete 6 exams. they are:

1. Biology Paper 1
2. Biology Paper 2

3. Chemistry Paper 1
4. Chemistry Paper 2

5. Physics Paper 1
6. Physics Paper 2

Each written exam: 1hour 15mins and 70 marks.

Students can be entered for either the Foundation or the Higher tier.

Next steps - Careers/courses

Completion of GCSE science can allow students to continue with further science studies in Level 3 A-Level courses for Biology, Chemistry or Physics. Students can also complete a L3 Applied science course which covers all 3 science areas.

Suggested links to resources

BBC bitesize - a summary of key ideas for each topic. Allows students to revise & test


SENECA Learning - For practice questions and learning - https://senecalearning.com/en-GB/


All students gain log in detailsto this website. It provides access to the online textbooks used in class as well as other resources.


KS4 Triple Science

Examining Board AQA




Why study this subject?

GCSE Science is designed to engage and challenge all students of all abilities and aspirations. The broad program of study encourages learners to be inspired and challenged and aims to allow them to engage with science in their everyday lives. GCSE science aims to provide an insight into and an experience of how science works through practical work.
Studying the 3 science separately provides students with a more detailed exploration of certain topics that deepen their science knowledge.


1. Cell Biology
2. Organization
3. Infection and Response
4. Bioenergetics
5. Homeostasis and Response
6. Inheritance, Variation and Evolution
7. Ecology


1. Atomic structure and the periodic table
2. Bonding, structure and the properties of matter
3. Quantitative Chemistry
4. Chemical Changes
5. Energy Changes
6. The rate and extent of chemical change
7. Organic Chemistry
8. Chemical analysis
9. Chemistry of the atmosphere
10. Using Resources


1. Energy
2. Electricity
3. Particle Model of matter
4. Atomic structure
5. Forces
6. Waves
7. Magnetism and Electromagnets
8. Space physics


At the end of the course, students complete a total of 6 exams.
They will complete 2 paper for each science

Biology GCSE
1. Biology Paper 1
2. Biology Paper 2

Chemistry GCSE
1. Chemistry Paper 1
2. Chemistry Paper 2

Physics GCSE
1. Physics Paper 1
2. Physics Paper 2


Each written exam: 1hour 45mins


Next steps - Careers/courses

Completion of GCSE separate sciences allow students to continue with further science studies in Level 3 A-Level courses for Biology, Chemistry or Physics. Students can also complete a L3 Applied science course which covers all 3 science areas.
There are various careers linked to science. Areas including:
• Engineering
• Forensic science
• Healthcare
• Psychology
• Research
• Education
• Botany
• Microbiology
• Medicine
• Physics
• Pharmacy
• Astronautically science
• Zoology
• Archaeology
• Ecology
• Chemist
• Marine biology

and many many more

Suggested links to resources

BBC bitesize - a summary of key ideas for each topic. Allows students to revise & test


All students gain log in details to this website. It provides access to the online textbooks used in class as well as other resources.


SENECA Learning - For practice questions and learning - https://senecalearning.com/en-GB/

KS5 Science

Applied Science





Course  A-Level Biology
Examining Board AQA
Specification Link
Why study this subject?

Biological science is one of the broadest and most important subjects in the world today. Put simply, biology is the study of life. Biology encompasses everything from the molecular study of life processes right up to the study of animal and plant communities. A level Biology is a great choice for people who want a career in health and clinical professions, including medicine, dentistry, veterinary science, physiotherapy, nursing and forensic science. It is also necessary for a degree in any of the Biological sciences which range from neuroscience, genetics, biomedical science, biochemistry, zoology, conservation and marine biology. The skills developed in a Biology A level are also valued in careers within the pharmaceutical industry, biological economics, science publishing, government policy, education and biotechnology.


We understand that the transition from KS4 to KS5 is potentially the most difficult transition that students will ever face in their education which is why at Oaks Park all students are fully supported regardless of their ability to ensure that all students make excellent progress no matter their starting point. Before students join our 6th Form they are provided with extensive transition work to complete so that they get that head start to the course. We have a highly experienced team and take pride in delivering first class lessons so that students have the opportunity to develop transferable skills that will best prepare them not only for exam success but for success at University and beyond.


Students are further supported and enriched by a range of additional opportunities provided to them beyond the classroom such as guest speakers, career talks, seminars, lectures, work experience, workshops such as ‘Operating Theatre Live’ and workshops to support applications for highly competitive courses such as Medicine, Pharmacy and Veterinary Science.
Students have the opportunity to showcase their hard work and knowledge by entering into the British Biology Olympiad in a chance to represent team GB at the international finals. We also work with top Universities such as Kings College London and University College London (UCL) to support students who wish to go on to study medicine by getting involved in the K+, Young Doctors Program and UCL Target medicine programs which provide students with academic workshops, mentoring, interview practice and targeted support with preparation for the UCAT examinations and UCAS applications.

Year 1
  • Biological molecules
  • Nucleic Acids
  • Cell structure
  • Transport across cell membranes
  • Cell recognition and the immune system
  • Exchange
  • Mass transport
  • DNA, genes and protein synthesis
  • Genetic diversity and adaptation
  • Biodiversity
Year 2
  • Photosynthesis
  • Respiration Energy and ecosystems
  • Response to stimuli
  • Nervous coordination and muscles
  • Homeostasis Inherited change
  • Populations and evolution
  • Populations in ecosystems
  • Gene expression Recombinant
  • DNA technology
  • Synoptic and essay writing
Assessment AS-

2 Exams

Assessment A-Level

3 Exams

Next steps - Careers/HE courses

Students who study Biology can go on to study an array of courses at University, access funded degrees or apprenticeships.


Studying Biology can lead to a range of careers within Healthcare and clinical professions:

Dental hygienist
Dental Nurse
Clinical Psychologist


Other Biological science professions include:
Biomedical scientist
Marine biologist


Skills developed through studying Biology are also valued in careers such as:
Pharmaceutical industry
Biological economics
Science publishing
Government policy

Suggested links to resources












Course  A-Level Chemistry
Examining Board AQA
Specification Link
Why study this subject?

Chemistry helps students to develop research, problem solving, mathematical, practical and analytical skills. Chemistry often requires teamwork and communication skills too, which is great for project management.


Chemistry is important and useful in explaining the natural world, preparing people for career opportunities, and producing informed citizens.


Modern research in chemistry can lead to the discovery and pioneering of new technologies and medicines, which benefit the environment, improve human life, and expand our knowledge of the universe.

Year 1 Atomic Structure
Amount of Substance
Equilibria & Redox
Periodicity & Group 2 & Group 7
Introduction to Organic Chemistry
Alkanes & Haloalkanes
Alkenes & Alcohols
Organic Analysis
Core practicals: 1-6.
Year 2 Thermodynamics
Rate Equations & Kp
Electrode Potentials
Acids, Bases & pH
Period 3 Elements
Transition Metals
Isomerism & Carbonyl Compounds
Aromatic Compounds & Amines
Amino Acids, Proteins & DNA
Further Synthesis & Analysis
Core practicals: 7-12.
Assessment AS-

2 Exams 

Assessment A-Level

3 Exams


Next steps - Careers/HE courses

There are a range of Chemistry-related degrees that students can read at University including: Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry, Environmental chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry and Physical Chemistry and Polymer and Materials chemistry.


These degrees in turn can lead to a range of careers including: medicine, dentistry, forensic chemistry, geochemistry, biochemistry, R & D management, pharmacy, chemical engineering, petroleum engineering and perfumery to name a few.

Suggested links to resources

ChemRevise - For notes and revision summaries - https://chemrevise.org/revision-guides/
Physics and Maths Tutor - For past exam questions - https://www.physicsandmathstutor.com/
ChemGuide - For notes and questions - https://www.chemguide.co.uk/

A Level Chemistry - For notes, questions and video - http://www.a-levelchemistry.co.uk/
SENECA Learning - For practice questions and learning - https://senecalearning.com/en-GB/
AlleryChemistry - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPtWS4fCi25YHw5SPGdPz0g/
MaChemGuy - YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/user/MaChemGuy/playlists/



Course  A-Level Physics
Examining Board AQA
Specification Link
Why study this subject?

 A-level Physics gives you the opportunity to explore the phenomena of the universe and to look at theories that explain what is observed.  This subject combines practical skills with theoretical ideas to develop descriptions of the physical universe.  You will learn about everything from kinematics to cosmology and many recent developments in fascinating topics, such as particle physics. If you are interested in the limits of space, the beginning of time and everything in between this is the subject for you. Physics is more than a subject – it trains your brain to think beyond boundaries.


We understand that the transition from KS4 to KS5 is potentially the most difficult transition that students will ever face in their education which is why at Oaks Park all students are fully supported regardless of their ability to ensure that all students make excellent progress no matter their starting point. Before students join our 6th Form they are provided with extensive transition work to complete so that they get that head start to the course. We have a highly experienced team and take pride in delivering first class lessons so that students have the opportunity to develop transferable skills that will best prepare them not only for exam success but for success at University and beyond.


Students are further supported and enriched by a range of additional opportunities provided to them beyond the classroom such as guest speakers, career talks, seminars, lectures, work experience, and workshops.​

Year 1

Measurements and their Errors

Particles and Radiation


Mechanics and Materials


Year 2

Further Mechanics and Thermal Physics

Fields and their Consequences

Nuclear Physics


Assessment AS-

2 Exams 

Assessment A-Level

3 Exams

Next steps - Careers/HE courses

Physics is a very useful subject for the majority of STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) careers and you’ll find physicists everywhere, in industry, transport, government, universities, the armed forces, the secret service, games companies, research labs and more. Physics is especially helpful for jobs that involve developing new technologies, including: engineering, astronomy, robotics, renewable energies, computer science, communications, space exploration, science writing, sports and games technology, research and nanotechnology.


To put it simply, Physics is a highly respected A level in which a good grade in A level Physics demonstrates to an employer that you have analytical and mathematical skills that you can apply to real life situations.  There are many possible degree pathways that are suitable after taking A level physics, for example: Engineering, Medicine, Forensic Science, Astronomy, Cosmology, Electronics, Power generation, Finance, Education and many many more.

Suggested links to resources






 Applied Science

Course  BTEC Level 3 Extended Certificate Applied Science 
Examining Board Edexcel
Specification Link
Why study this subject?

An alternative vocational A-level equivalent subject
It includes topics on all three sciences: Biology, Chemistry and Physics
It includes coursework so not a fully exam based subject.
It gives an opportunity to get into further education within the science sector or in another field.
Provides learners with transferable skills which are highly regarded for HE courses
This subject fits in well with other non science subjects.

Unit 1 Principles and Applications of Science I (exam)
A Periodicity and properties of elements
A1 Structure and bonding in applications in science
A2 Production and uses of substances in relation to properties
B Structure and functions of cells and tissues
B1 Cell structure and function
B2 Cell specialisation
B3 Tissue structure and function
C Waves in communication
C1 Working with waves
C2 Waves in communication
C3 Use of electromagnetic waves in communication
Unit 2 Practical Scientific Procedures and Techniques (coursework)
Content includes:
A Undertake titration and colorimetry to determine the concentration of solutions
B Undertake calorimetry to study cooling curves
C Undertake chromatographic techniques to identify components in mixtures
D Review personal development of scientific skills for laboratory work
Unit 3

Science Investigation Skills (exam)
Content includes:
A Planning a scientific investigation
B Data collection, processing and analysis/interpretation
C Drawing conclusions and evaluation
D Enzymes in action
E Diffusion of molecules
F Plants and their environment
G Energy content of fuels
H Electrical circuits

Unit 8

Physiology of Human Body Systems (coursework)
Content includes:
Understand the impact of disorders of the musculoskeletal system and their associated corrective treatments.
Understand the impact of disorders on the physiology of the lymphatic system and the associated corrective treatments.
Explore the physiology of the digestive system and the use of corrective treatments for dietary-related diseases.


External assessment: 58% exams

Internal assessment: 42% coursework

Next steps - Careers/HE courses

Previous students have gone onto the HE courses: Biomedical Science, Forensc Science, Primary Education, Biological Science, Chemical Engineering, Business Econimics, Apprenticeship in nuclear engineering, Law


The following courses are also a possibility; Biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, dental technology, trainee technician in a hospital, drug researcher, medical physics technician, midwifery, paramedic work, sports science, biomedical science, biochemistry, clinical science, life science, pharmaceutical science, computing, healthcare, psychology.

Suggested links to resources

 BTEC Applied Science YouTube Channel