Oaks Park High School

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Quality in Careers Award

Oaks Park is committed to Quality in Careers 

At Oaks Park we believe that providing outstanding careers information, advice and guidance that meets the needs of the individual children at our school is integral to ensuring that all of our students are able to progress onto their desired destinations and career pathway.

Careers education is fundamental to all that we do as a school, and is integrated into our academic and personal development curriculums. The high priority that we place on careers information, advice and guidance is evident through our recent success in claiming the London Enterprise Award for the best whole school careers programme in London. More information on this can be found here. 

As a school we are always committed to ensuring that we are making our careers programme as effective as possible so that our students are consistently able to get the ‘best deal’ from the programme that we offer. As a result, we are very pleased to confirm that we are once again committing to achieve the Quality in Careers Standard this year.

The Quality in Careers Standard is the national quality award for careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) in schools, colleges and work-based learning. The Quality in Careers Standard is externally moderated by a leading figure from the world of careers education, and forms a key component of our evaluation process as a school careers team. Achieving the Quality in Careers Standard highlights that a school is effectively delivering its statutory obligations with regards to the Gatsby Benchmarks.

Oaks Park High School has successfully been awarded the Quality in Careers Standard for the previous three assessments, and over the past three years since last achieving the standard, we have been working hard as a school to ensure that the careers programme is able to continue to meet high industry standards and follows best practice in how it is innovative in all areas. 

We are looking forward to working on achieving the Quality in Careers Standard as a school community and will provide regular updates on our progress over the coming months.