Oaks Park High School

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Mathematics contributes to the school curriculum by developing students’ abilities to solve problems, to calculate, to reason logically, algebraically, and geometrically and to make sense of data.

Mathematics is important for students in many other areas of study, particularly Science and Technology. It is also important in everyday life, in many forms of employment and in decision-making.

As a subject in its own right, Mathematics presents frequent opportunities for creativity. It can stimulate moments of wonder; especially when problems are solved or when more elegant solutions to problems are discovered. Mathematics is one means of making knowledge useful. Mathematics enables students to build a secure framework of mathematical reasoning, which they can use and apply with confidence. The power of mathematical reasoning lies in its use of precise and concise forms of language, symbolism and representation to reveal and explore general relationships.


Our curriculum map is sequenced with fewer topics each week, term or year, putting depth before breadth. We find that spending longer on each topic enables pupils to really think and talk about the mathematics they are learning. We sequence concepts and methods so that previously learnt ideas can be connected to new learning, supporting students in understanding the coherent and connected nature of the subject, and ensuring they consolidate learning by continually using and applying it in a variety of contexts. We believe that all of mathematics can be appreciated more fully once a student has a deep appreciation of the number system, therefore we put number sense and place value first to ensure that all understanding builds. We use the Mastery system in Maths to further develop the number system.

Maths is taught six lessons per fortnight in Years 7 and 8. Both years are taught in mixed ability groups.

Year 7

Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Number systems and the axioms

Order of operations

Positive and negative numbers

Expressions Equations Inequalities


Classifying 2-D shapes


Area of 2-D shapes

Transforming 2-D figures and Construction

Primes, factors and multiples




Project work

Year 8

Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

LCM, HCF and Prime Factorisation                              

Standard form

Powers, roots

Area of 2D Shapes

Circumference of circles 

Properties of 3D shapes

Volume Cubes and Cuboids

Surface area of Cubes and Cuboids

Fractions, Decimals and Percentages 

Ratio and Proportion 



Graphs y = mx+c



Transformations: Reflection, Translation, Rotation and Enlargement




Project work

How can parents support?

  • Access Google Classroom for up to date homework information.
  • For revision materials access videos and resources on Corbett Maths, Hegarty Maths and Just Maths
  • Be positive! Children pick up on signals from adults who display a negative attitude towards the subject. This can have a significant impact on the way they view the subject and can impact their success in it.
  • Try to provide a quiet, well-lit place for your child to study, away from TV, video games, mobile phone
  • Have your child explain what he or she is doing in maths and try to develop a conversation with your child around maths
  • If we have contacted home to offer extra support or revision sessions for your child, please support us and encourage them to attend the activities
  • Ensure your son/ daughter has the correct equipment including a scientific calculator, pen, pencil, ruler, a pair of compasses and protractor. All of these can be purchased from school.
  • Some students prefer using a textbook or revision guide to work through. Revision guides will be available through school at certain points in the year. If you wish to purchase a textbook to use at home, please ensure you buy one for the new curriculum. 


Course  Maths
Examining Board EDEXCEL
Specification Link
Why study this subject?

Mathematics is a creative and highly inter-connected discipline that has been developed over centuries, providing the solution to some of history’s most intriguing problems. It is essential to everyday life, critical to science, technology and engineering, and necessary for financial literacy and most forms of employment.


A high-quality mathematics education therefore provides a foundation for understanding the world, the ability to reason mathematically, an appreciation of the beauty and power of mathematics, and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject.


There are six topic strands in Maths GCSE:

Ratio, Proportion and Rates of Change
Geometry and Measures


The qualification consists of three equally-weighted written examination papers at either Foundation tier or Higher tier. The main topic areas are:

  • Number
  • Algebra
  • Ratio, proportion and rates of change
  • Geometry and measures
  • Probability
  • Statistics


The school will decide on the tier of entry for each student at the end of Year 9 based on assessments and teacher knowledge.


We regularly assess KS4 pupils at the end of each reporting window. Pupils will sit at least two exam papers that are both calculator and non-calculator. Throughout the academic year in Years 9, and 10, Year 11 pupils will sit ‘Pre Public Examinations’, known as PPEs. This will include pupils sitting examinations in the main hall, replicating real exam conditions.


Pupils are given weekly homework that is either exam related, extending classroom learning or consolidating classwork via Hegarty Maths.

Next steps - Careers/HE courses

Students can progress from this qualification to Level 3 qualifications (A Level) in numerate disciplines, such as:

  • Core Mathematics
  • A level Mathematics and A Level Further Mathematics
  • Sciences
  • Geography
  • Psychology
  • Economics
  • other qualifications that require mathematical skills, knowledge and understanding.


This course provides a strong foundation for further academic and vocational study and for employment. The lin beow shows the numerous careers with maths


Useful resources

PIXL Maths App:   

Dr Frost Maths: 

Maths Bot: 

Mr Barton Maths: 


Course  A level Mathematics
Examining Board Edexcel
Specification Link
Why study this subject?
  • Develop key employability skills
  • problem-solving, communication, logical reasoning and resilience
  • Leads to versatile qualifications, well-respected by employers and higher education
  • Increase knowledge and understanding of mathematical techniques and their applications​
  • Excellent preparation for a wide range of university courses
  • Support the study of other A levels
  • Stimulating and challenging courses
Key Content 

Pure Mathematics



Unit 1 & Unit 2 Pure Maths
Unit 3 Mechanics and Statistics
Assessment AS-

The AS is assessed using 2 exam papers. 

All papers carry equal weighting.

Paper 1: Pure Maths,

Paper 2: Statistics and Mechanics. 

Assessment A-Level

Paper 1: Pure Mathematics 1 
Paper 2- Pure Mathematics 2 
Paper 3- Mechanics and Statistics 

Next steps - Careers/HE courses Medical, Games Design, Internet Security, Financial, Cryptography, Programming, Communications, Aircraft Modelling, Fluid Flows, Acoustic Software Development, Electronics, Civil Engineering, Quantum Physics, Astronomy, Forensics, DNA sequencing, Data Science, Psychology, Law, Economics, Climate Change Environmental Modelling
Suggested links to resources  Dr Frost Maths

Physics and Maths Tutor 

Advanced Maths Support Program (AMSP)


A level Further Mathematics

Examining Board




Why study this subject?

  • Understand mathematics and mathematical systems in ways that promote confidence, foster enjoyment, and provide a deep foundation for progress to further study. 
  • Extend your range of mathematical skills and techniques. 
  • Understand coherence and advancement in mathematics and how different concepts of mathematics are related. 
  • Apply mathematics in other fields of study and be informed of the relevance of mathematics to the world of work and to situations in society in general. 
  • Use mathematical knowledge to construct mathematical models to make coherent and reasoned decisions in solving problems both in a variety of contexts and communicate the mathematical rationale for these decisions clearly and conclude on solution strategy.
  • Leads to versatile qualifications, well-respected by employers and higher education.
  • Gain transferable skills: cognitive, creativity, decision making, reasoning, critical thinking, ICT literacy, collaborative, relationship-building skill, problem solving, interpersonal and intrapersonal skill, self management and development. 

Key Content 

Core Pure Mathematics 1 & 2: Proof, Complexnumbers, Matrices, Further algebra and functions, Further calculus, Further vectors, Polar coordinates, Hyperbolic functions, Differential equations.

Decision Mathematics 1: Algorithms and graph theory, Algorithms on graphs, Critical path analysis, Linear programming.

Further Statistics 1: Discrete probability distributions, Poisson & binomial distributions, Geometric and negative binomial distributions, Hypothesis Testing, Central Limit Theorem, Chi Squared Tests, Probability generating functions, Quality of tests

Unit 1 & Unit 2

Core Pure Mathematics 1 

Core Pure Mathematics 2

Unit 3

Further Statistics 1

Decision Mathematics 1

Assessment AS-Level

The AS is assessed using 2 exam papers. 

Paper 1: Core Pure Mathematics (*Paper code: 8FM0/01) 

Paper 2: Further Statistics 1 and Decision Mathematics 1 (*Paper codes: 8FM0/2F)

Each paper is: 1 hour and 40 minutes written examination

50% of the qualification - 80 marks.

Assessment A-Level

Paper 1: Core Pure Mathematics 1 (*Paper code: 9FM0/01) Paper 2: Core Pure Mathematics 2 (*Paper code: 9FM0/02) 

Paper 3B: Further Statistics 1 (*Paper codes: 9FM0/3B) 

Paper 3D :Decision Mathematics 1 (*Paper codes: 9FM0/3D)

Each paper is: 1 hour and 30 minutes written examination

25% of the qualification 75 marks

Next steps - Careers/HE courses

Actuarial Science, Aeronautical Engineering, Astronomy, Biochemistry, Biomedical Sciences (including Medical Science), Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Computer Science, Dentistry, Electrical/Electronic Engineering, Engineering (General), Law – facilitating subjects at A-level are useful when applying for Law, Materials Science (including Biomedical Materials Science), Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Medicine, Optometry (Ophthalmic Optics), Physics, Quantum Physics, Veterinary Science

Suggested links to resources

Dr Frost Maths

Physics and Maths Tutor 

Advanced Maths Support Program (AMSP)

Crash Maths