Oaks Park High School

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Computer Science & IT

As we live in a digital age, most industries rely on data and software programmes. Computer Science & IT has an impact on everything from scientific research to health, transport, banking, communications, you name it. Even objects such as microwave ovens, refrigerators or door locks are now connected to our Wi-Fi networks and personal assistants.

Technology has made communication faster and the world more connected.  Yet it didn't happen by accident. We came here thanks to the creative minds of Computer Science and IT students who took their passion for technology and used it to create gadgets and computer programmes that support us every single day.


    Year 7

Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Using Computers Safely

  • File Management

  • Social networking

  • Keeping Data safe

  • Using email

  • Searching the web


Algorithm and Flowcharts

  • Abstraction

  • Decomposition

  • Logical thinking

  • Logic gates

  • Algorithms

  • Pattern recognition





Programming using Scratch

  • Algorithms

  • Flowcharts

  • Programming

  • Movement

  • Lives and scoring

  • Adding a new level

  • Randomising the behaviour

  • Shooting and jumping

  • Adding sounds


Computer Networks

  • The Internet

  • Connectivity

  • Topologies


  • Introduction to Vectors 

  • Bitmap graphics

  • Conveying meaning

  • Effects and enhancements

  • Adding text


Software Development using Python


  • Data types

  • Loops

  • Lists

  • Procedures

  • Functions

    Year 8

Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Computer Systems

  • CPU

  • Fetch execute Cycle

  • Understanding Binary

  • Storage Devices 


Spreadsheet modelling

    • Computer models 

    •  Creating a financial model 

    • If scenarios 

    • Conditional formatting and validation.

    • Macros and charts




Website Development

    • HTML

    • CSS

    • WebForms

    • Design


Computer  crime and cybersecurity

  • Email Scams

  • Hacking

  • Protecting Personal Data

  • Copyright

  • Health and Safety

Python next steps the basics  

  • Loops 

  • Lists 

  • Procedures 

  • Functions



  • Introduction to spreadsheets

  • Creating a Finacial Model

  • Functions and Formulas

  • Conditional formatting 




How will they be assessed?

Students are assessed at the end of each unit. Regular marking and feedback ensure students have the opportunity to improve their work.

Intervention, support and homework clubs allow students to work to their full potential.


How can parents support?

Parental support is very important to the progress and achievement of all students.

Please ensure your child completes all homework to the best of their ability and submits this on time.

Independent learning is very important to build on their IT and programming skills. Students and parents can use the following websites:

KS4 Computer Science


Computer Science

Examining Board




Why study this subject?

Computer Science gives students a real, in-depth understanding of how computer technology works. It offers an insight into what goes on ‘behind the scenes’ including computer programming, which many students find absorbing.


Learning to program is a core component of a computer science course. Students should be competent at reading and writing programs and be able to reason with code. They must be able to apply their skills to solve real problems and produce robust programs.


The qualification will build on the knowledge, understanding, and skills established through the Computer Science elements of the Key Stage 3 programme of study. The content has been designed not only to allow for a solid basis of understanding but to engage learners and get them thinking about real-world applications.

Unit 1

Computer Systems

• Systems Architecture
• Memory
• Storage
• Wired and wireless networks
• Network topologies, protocols, and layers
• System Security
• System software
• Ethical, legal, cultural and environmental concerns

 Unit 2

Computational thinking, algorithms, and programming

• Algorithms 
• Programming techniques
• Producing robust programs
• Computational logic
• Translators and facilities for languages
• Data representation

Unit 3

Programming Project
• Programming techniques
• Analysis
• Design
• Development
• Testing evaluation and conclusions


Formal requirement
Consolidates the learning across the specification through practical activity.


50% Computer systems
1 hour and 30 minutes
Written paper (no calculators allowed)


50% Computational thinking, algorithms and programming
1 hour and 30 minutes
Written paper (no calculators allowed)

Next steps - Careers/HE courses

Degree in

Information Technology and Information Systems.
Computer Science.
Information Science.
Systems & Network Administration.
Software Engineering.
Computer Engineering.

Data scientist.
Software tester.
Web developer.
Systems analyst.
Business analyst.
Product manager.
Network architect.
Software engineer.

Useful resources




KS4 Information Technology


Cambridge Nationals in Information Technologies

Examining Board




Why study this subject?

The collection and communication of data and storing of data/information happens all around us.
Technology underpins how it’s collected and communicated nearly all of the time. It can be seen in all walks of life, from a wearable fitness tracker recording how many steps you have taken, your mobile phone provider recording your usage to create your bill or an online retailer being able to target you with specific promotions based on your purchase history.


Knowing how and why data is gathered and being able to turn raw data into something meaningful is essential as the learner moves through education and into employment.


IT gives you skills that would be a skill used in any career path. To be able to do this the learner will need to have the confidence to use a range of information technology that is currently available, as well as being
adaptable and resilient enough to deal with rapid advances.

R050: IT in the digital world
Written paper, OCR set, and marked

IT in the Digital World
TA1: Design Tools
TA2: Human-Computer Interface (HCI) in everyday life
TA3: Data Testing
TA4: Cyber-Security and Legislation

TA5 Digital Communication

TA6 Internet of Everything (IoE)

R060: Data manipulation using spreadsheets
Centre-assessed tasks, OCR moderated

Developing technological solutions

TA1: Planning and designing the spreadsheet solution 
TA2: Creating spreadsheet solution
TA3: Testing the Spreadsheet solution 
TA4: Evaluating the spreadsheet solution 


• 1 hour 45 minutes written examination


Approximately 20 hours
• The assignment will include a context and set of tasks
• A new assignment will be released for each series and published on the OCR website

Next steps - Careers/HE courses

Degree in

Information Technology and Information Systems.
Computer Science.
Information Science.
Systems & Network Administration.
Software Engineering.
Computer Engineering.

Data scientist.
Software tester.
Web developer.
Systems analyst.
Business analyst.
Product manager.
Network architect.
Software engineer.

Useful resources





KS5 Computer Science

A-Level Computer Science
Examining Board OCR
Specification Link
Why study this subject?

The A Level Computer Science qualification helps students understand the core academic principles of computer science. Classroom learning is transferred into creating real-world systems through the creation of an independent programming project. This A Level will develop the student’s technical understanding and their ability to analyse and solve problems using computational thinking. The qualification prepares you for the world of work in the 21st century as well as the prospect of study and some the country’s leading Russell Group universities.

Unit 1

Computer Systems

The characteristics of contemporary processors, input, output and storage devices

Software and software development

Exchanging data 

Data types, data structures and algorithms

Legal, moral, cultural and ethical issues

Unit 2

Algorithms and Programming
Elements of computational thinking
Problem solving and programming
Algorithms to solve problems and standard algorithms

Unit 3

Programming Project

The learner will choose a computingproblem to work through accordingto the guidance in the specification.

Analysis of the problem

Design of the solution

Developing the solution


Assessment AS 2 Exams
Assessment A-Level

2 Exams


1 Non exam assessment (coursework)
Next steps - Careers/HE courses

IT Infrastructure Technician Typical job roles within this pathway include: IT technical support, database administrator, field technician, network technician, infrastructure technician, network planner or cloud technician. Emerging Digital Technology Practitioner Typical job roles within this pathway include; junior digital content developer, 3D graphics technician, virtual reality software technician, software developer, digital identity planners or digital content developer Application Developer Technician Typical job roles within this pathway include; web application developer, software engineer, mobile application developer, application developer or software analyst. Data Analyst. IT Infrastructure Technician pathway Typical job roles within this pathway include; data analyst, data quality analyst, Statistical data analyst, Big Data architect, Digital data analyst or Customer insight analyst.

Suggested links to resources Coming soon!

KS5 Information Technology


Cambridge Technical Level 3 introductory Diploma in IT

Examining Board


Why study this subject?

The qualification prepares you for the world of work in the 21st century as well as the prospect of study and some the country’s leading Russell Group universities.


The course has been designed in collaboration with experts across the whole IT sector. The course focuses on the skills, knowledge and understanding required by today’s universities and employers. We believe the course will give our students the best access to further education and the world of work in a full range of specialties, from business and project management, through to website design and computer graphics and animation.

The course will provide you with an insight into the IT sector, the pace of technological change, IT infrastructure, and the flow of information on a global scale, as well as the important legal and security considerations. Unit 3 cyber security reflects an important development in the sector around information security. You will consider how data should be protected and how the IT sector should respond to emerging threats such as cyber terrorism

Unit 1

Fundamentals of IT




Ethics, security and data 

Unit 2

Global information

Informaition handling

Information management systems

Uses of information

Information and the law

Information flows

Informatio security

Unit 3

Cyber security

Unit 4

Application design Prototype

Application design

Providing solutions

Design generation

Presenting applications to users and clients

Unit 5

Website design and Prototype
Fundamentals of web design

Development planning

Prototypes for clients

Presenting to clients


3 Exams

2 Coursework units

Next steps - Careers/HE courses

IT Infrastructure Technician Typical job roles within this pathway include: IT technical support, database administrator, field technician, network technician, infrastructure technician, network planner or cloud technician. Emerging Digital Technology Practitioner Typical job roles within this pathway include; junior digital content developer, 3D graphics technician, virtual reality software technician, software developer, digital identity planners or digital content developer Application Developer Technician Typical job roles within this pathway include; web application developer, software engineer, mobile application developer, application developer or software analyst. Data Analyst. IT Infrastructure Technician pathway Typical job roles within this pathway include; data analyst, data quality analyst, Statistical data analyst, Big Data architect, Digital data analyst or Customer insight analyst.

Suggested links to resources

Coming soon!