Oaks Park High School

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Sixth Form Dress Code

Why do students in Oaks Park Sixth Form have a dress code?

 Students are expected to adhere to the dress code and look professional and smart. If they are unsure of what may be considered appropriate consult a member of the Sixth Form team.

At Oaks Park students in the Sixth Form follow a dress code because it:

  • prepares our students for the world of work;
  • reinforces a sense of belonging to our school community;
  • is practical and smart;
  • identifies the students with the school;
  • makes our students feel equal to their peers in terms of appearance;
  • saves time and reduces stress by taking away that difficult morning decision about what to wear. It means any extra time can be spent on other activities: Eating breakfast, catching up on homework, or sleep, for that matter;
  • saves important time in the long run. By concentrating on the task at hand and not on what other classmates are wearing, work is more likely to get done, faster;
  • helps to improve grades, thanks to increased concentration. Similarly, it instills discipline and pride, again helping to boost grades by creating a more formal, academic atmosphere.

Male Dress Code

Item of clothing

Details Requirements



Black blazer/suit jacket To be worn at all times



Any colour


To be worn at all times
To be worn to waist length


Shirt with collar 

 Short sleeve or long sleeve

Any colour




Tucked in at all times


Top button done up at all times

Trousers /
belt (optional)

 Tailored black full length trousers (not tight fit)


Plain discreet black leather belt

Trousers must touch tops of shoes

No logo on the buckle


 Plain black v-neck jumper or v-neck cardigan


Optional, but must not be worn instead of a blazer


Plain black or white ankle length socks




Socks worn to ankle length only

No logos




Plain black leather or leather look shoes 

Shoes must not go above the ankle

No trainer type soles
No suede or canvas shoes
No visible logos



Plain coat. Not to be worn in the building.

No logos 

 Female Dress Code

Item of clothing

Details Requirements

Suit jacket/blazer


Black blazer/suit jacket

To be worn at all times



Blouse with collar 

 Short sleeve or long sleeve

Tucked in at all times


 Plain black v-neck jumper or v-neck cardigan

Optional, but must not be worn instead of a blazer

Trousers /
belt (optional)


Tailored black full length trousers (not tight fit)


Plain discreet black leather belt

Trousers must touch tops of shoes


No logo on the buckle



Black box pleat or black ankle length loose fit skirt


Must be worn to at least knee length

Suit Dress




Black, tailored



Knee length

No chiffon or shirt dresses.


No tight fitting/Bodycon dresses





Plain black




Students must still wear a black blazer with their Abaya.

Head scarf

With regard to religious observance, if head scarves are worn they must be black.

White scarves are allowed in the summer term



Plain black or white ankle length socks

Plain black or tan coloured tights

Socks worn to ankle length only.
No logos

No socks to be worn over tights


Plain black leather or leather look shoes


Shoes must not go above the ankle
No trainer type soles
No suede or canvas shoes
No visible logos


Plain coat. Not to be worn inside bbuilding.

No logos.

Dress Code Expectations

Oaks Park maintain high expectations with regard to student dress code. The final decision on whether items of clothing are appropriate under the dress code will be taken by the Headteacher or a member of the Senior Leadership Team.


No jewellery, other than a single pair of small stud earrings and a watch.
No piercings other than the ear.
Any religious symbols to be worn inside the shirt.

Hair & Make-up

Subtle makeup that should not be noticable.
No coloured nail varnish or false nails.
No false eyelashes.
No extreme haircuts.
Students should not have patterns, lines or logos shaved into their hair (including patterns in eyebrows).
Any clip used to fasten hair should be small and unobtrusive in colour and style. Any hair band should be plain and black or white colour.

Outdoor Clothing

Coats are not to be worn inside the building. They must be plain, and without large patterns or logos.
Winter scarves should be plain and black. They are not to be worn inside the building.
Any hats worn in winter should not be worn inside the building. 


Not to be worn

Casual shoes/trainers
Ribbed jumpers/sweatshirts/hoodies
Baseball caps
Tight fitting trousers
Cropped or short trousers
Corduroy jeans or jeans-style trousers
Logos on any item of clothing

Sixth Form students not following the dresscode will be removed from circulation at break and lunchtime.

The Headteacher reserves the right to determine when clothing, hairstyle, jewellery or make-up is not suitable

Medical Exceptions

Adjustments to the dress code will be considered by the Headteacher only upon receipt of appropriate medical certification.  

All items of clothing should be named. The School cannot accept any liability for loss or damage to clothing or equipment incurred on the school premises.