Oaks Park High School

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History at Oaks Park aims to inspire pupils' curiosity and promote a love of learning for History. Pupils are given chronological understanding of British history and encouraged to see links between History and other subjects.

In lessons students will be given an understanding of a broad range of historical concepts such as cause / consequence, change and chronology they will develop coherent and evaluative writing styles, value the importance of historical skills and concepts, and linking the skills to potential careers. Help students put current events into context


Year 7

Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Why was the Battle of Hastings significant?


Could a medieval monarch do what they liked?

Who were the Tudors?

Why did the English kill their king?

What was the age of empire?


What was the Transatlantic Slave Trade?

Year 8 

Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

How did WW1 change the world?

What was it like to experience conflict in the twentieth century?

Why did the Holocaust take place?


Why did we reach the brink of nuclear war?

How has voting and representation changed?

What is the best way to bring about change?


Students will complete extended writing tasks which will be regularly assessment. Students will be given the opportunity to explain both sides of a historical debate and then argue to a conclusion. Students will reflect on their feedback, act on their targets and make improvements.


How can parents support?

Students will receive a range of homework tasks varying from online Seneca Learning activities, tasks to prepare students for lessons or a homework project to complete depending on the unit of study. Parents can help students carry out additional research. Reading around the topic is strongly recommended (we can provide reading lists) as are visits to the many museums in London to develop a strong interest in History.


Examining Board Edexcel
Specification Link
Why study this subject?

The course develops a critical understanding of the past. Students have the opportunity to study a variety of periods and topics in English, European and World history. Students are able to examine history in length, breadth and depth while identifying the mechanisms responsible for historical events, conflicts and change. Not only will students enjoy the fascinating and varied topics, they will also gain valuable communications skills.

Unit 1

Crime and Punishment in Britain, 1000 – present and Whitechapel 1870 – 1900
- Trial by ordeal in the Middle Ages
- The witch trials of the sixteenth century
- The ‘Bloody Code’
- Jack the Ripper

Unit 2

Anglo-Saxon and Norman England 1060 – 88 & Superpower relations and the Cold War 1941 – 91
- The Battle of Hastings
- William I’s changes and the impact of the Normans
- US and Soviet relationship
- Arms race

Unit 3

Weimar and Nazi Germany 1918-39
- Treaty of Versailles
- Problems after WW1
The rise of the Nazis
- Life in Nazi Germany


Paper 1: source and knowledge questions, 1 hour 15 minutes, 30%
Paper 2: knowledge questions, 1 hour 45 minutes, 40%
Paper 3: source and knowledge questions, 1 hour 20 minutes, 30%

Next steps - Careers/courses

A wide range, because the skills mentioned above can be applied to many professions. For example:
Various types of research
Conservation work
Civil Service
University/school teaching
Broadcasting or media

Suggested links to resources

Examine the Crime and Punishment links to learn about the content for Paper 1: https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/education/candp/default.htm


Visit the BBC Bitesize website for Anglo-Saxon England to familiarise yourself with Paper 2 content: https://www.bbc.com/education/guides/z8f4mnb/revision/1


Use the resources to examine the impact of the Nazis to prepare for Paper 3:


KS5 History

Course  A-Level History
Examining Board Edexcel
Specification Link
Why study this subject?

People who choose to study History at A level do so first and foremost because they find the subject interesting. If reading, acquiring knowledge about societies in the past, discussion, playing with ideas and arguments, and analytical writing appeal to you, then you will love studying History. Remember, you don’t have to have studied GCSE History to take A Level History.


History is a facilitating subject. The top universities in the UK, the Russell Group, gave a list of subjects which students are encouraged to study. History is one of the preferred subjects because of the skills you learn and advanced level study in History provides suitable preparation for entry to university. The study of History goes particularly well with subjects such as Politics and many take History alongside English.

Unit 1

In search of the American Dream: the USA, c1917–96
- The changing political environment, 1917–80
- The quest for civil rights, 1917–80
- Society and culture in change, 1917–80
- The changing quality of life, 1917–80

Unit 2

South Africa, 1948–94: from apartheid state to ‘rainbow nation’
- The response to apartheid, c1948–59
- Radicalisation of resistance and the consolidation of National Party power, 1960–68
- Redefining resistance and challenges to National Party power, 1968–83
- The end of apartheid and the creation of the ‘rainbow nation’, 1984–94

Unit 3

The British experience of warfare, c1790–1918
- Changes in organising the military
- Changes in weaponry and the role of the people
- Britain and the French Wars, 1793–1815
- The Crimean War, 1854–56
- The second Boer War, 1899–1902
- Trench warfare on the Western Front, 1914–18
- The war in the air, 1914–18

Unit 4


The purpose of this coursework is to enable students to develop skills in the analysis and evaluation of interpretations of history in a chosen question, problem or issue as part of an independently researched assignment.


The focus is on understanding the nature and purpose of the work of the historian. Students will be required to form a critical view based on relevant reading on the question, problem or issue.

They will also be specifically required to analyse, explain and evaluate the interpretations of three historians.

Assessment AS-

2 Exams 

Assessment A-Level

3 Exams 

1 Coursework Unit

Next steps - Careers/HE courses

The Guardian newspaper published an article outlining possible careers for History graduates; at first glance, history graduates might appear suited mainly to roles such as museum curators or history teachers, but the skills you have gained will prepare you well for numerous careers. "A significant number enter the legal profession, where their analytical and critical reasoning skills are highly valued, as well as library, information and archivist careers, where their research expertise and ability to select, manage and organise information comes to the fore," Politics, publishing, journalism, media and writing in all its forms are similarly suitable, alongside business and commerce, public sector administration and the charity and voluntary sectors.

Suggested links to resources






