Oaks Park High School

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Governing Body

The Governing Body of Oaks Park High School role is to be responsible for setting the ethos and vision of the strategic direction of the school, as well as to ensure that there is due regard of process in the school’s daily actions. Between them, Governors bring a wide variety of expertise from their professional lives. They provide an immense service in directing the school strategically to make sure the educational performance of the students is strong and that the budget is used properly and effectively.

The Governors and Headteacher now have greatly increased responsibilities and powers. Complaints, in the first instance, should be referred to the Headteacher. Matters which remain unresolved will then be referred to the Chair of Governors.

Membership of the Governing Body 2024-2025






Mrs Kelly-Anne Smith-Sinclair

Parent Governor

15.11.21 – 14.11.25

Parent Body

Mr Mark Hollebon

Parent Governor

15.11.21 – 14.11.25

Parent Body

SEND link governor

Mr Nazakat Ali

Parent Governor

15.11.21 – 14.11.25

Parent Body

Mrs Sumala Hassan

Parent Governor 

21.10.22 – 20.10.26

Parent Body

Mr Shahidul Hassan   

Parent Governor 

21.10.22 – 20.10.26

Parent Body

Chair of Curriculum & Standards Committee

Mr Mohamed Omer

Co-opted Governor

22.06.23 – 21.06.27

Governing Board

Chair of Governors

Mr John Tyne

Co-opted Governor

27.09.23 - 26.09.27

Governing Board

Health & Safety link

Mr Sean Canaii

Co-opted Governor

28.06.21 – 27.06.25

Governing Board

Miss Lynne Noble

Co-opted Governor

14.06.22 – 13.06.26

Governing Board

Safeguarding governor 

Mr Rahim Hussain

Co-opted Governor 

14.11.22 – 13.11.26

Governing Board

Personal Develelopment & Careers link

Mr Jay Patel

Co-opted Governor

18.11.24 - 17.11.28

Governing Board

Mr Keith Gardner

Local Authority Governor

04.04.21 – 03.04.25

Recommended by the LA, appointed by the Governing Board

Vice-Chair of Governors,

Chair of the Resources Committee

Ms Joanne Hamill

Head teacher


Head teacher

Mr Joe Griffin

Staff Governor 

24.04.23 – 23.04.27

Staff Body

Governing Body Code of Conduct

Register of Attendance 2023-24

Register of Attendance 2022-23

Declaration of Business and Pecuniary Interests 2024-25

Previous serving members of the Governing Body in the last 12 months

None at present

Governing Body Vacancies

There is currently one co-opted governor vacancy. 

Learn more about the role of a governor and how to apply here.