Oaks Park High School

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Data Protection

The Data Protection Act (2018) sets out the responsibility of schools to inform all stakeholders including parents/carers about how they are using pupils’ data and it is being used by.

What does GDPR mean for schools?

The majority of processing of personal data undertaken by schools will fall under a specific legal basis, “in the public interest”. As it is in the public interest to operate schools successfully, it will mean that specific consent will not be needed in the majority of cases in schools. 

This act ensures that any data the school holds is protected and it gives individuals more control over their data. This also means that schools will have increased accountability for the data:

  • Schools must allocate a designated data protection officer. At Oaks Park High School, this is Mr Dan Smith.
  • Consent must be explicitly provided for anything that is not within the normal business of the school; especially when it involves a third party managing the data. Parents (or the students themselves depending on their age) must express consent for the student’s data to be used outside the normal business of the school.
  • Schools must ensure that their third-party suppliers who may process any of their data are compliant with the data protection act and must have legally binding contracts with any company that processes any personal data. These contracts must cover what data is being processed, who it is being processed by, who has access to it and how it is protected.
  • In any Subject Access Requests (SAR) any personal data related to a third party will be redacted.
  • All data breaches which are likely to have a detrimental effect on the data subject are reported to the ICO (Information Commissioner's Office) within 72 hours. Any potential data breaches must be reported to the school’s designated data protection officer within 24 hours.

For more information, please visit: Information Commissioner's Office

We already highly value and protect all of the data we hold about all in the school community and will continue to do so.

The documents below contain all of the relevant GDPR information for parents/carers.

Should you have any queries regarding data protection please contact dpo@oakspark.redbridge.sch.uk

Submitting A Subject Access Request

Subject Access Requests need to be sent by email to the Data Protection Lead at  DPO@oakspark.redbridge.sch.uk

Please email your request with a timescale and as much detail as possible.

The majority of requests will be dealt with within one calendar month of the request being made. However, please note that you will be contacted if there are any changes to this timeline. 

Designated Data Protection Lead - Mr D Smith (Deputy Headteacher) 
